Thursday, May 22, 2008

Re: Religion and Economics

Although I suppose you are correct in some of what you say. We might assume the cost to be small throughout a lifetime: even if you go to church every Sunday, suppose and contribute a few dollars a week to the collection basket. I guess that what people are doing is twofold. On one hand they are buying insurance against what they believe to be an infinite amount of pain and suffering, such as in the traditional notions of Hell. A small price to pay, just in case it exists. On the other hand, they are also buying peace of mind. That's pretty valuable. Finally, I would add that the main problem is that this is an area in which the rationality assumption goes out the window as religios folks play to the emotional side of people's personalities.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Gas prices

Bogdan and I have been debating gas prices. Here is something relevant.


Today's Washington Post addresses SPAM.